Vaccine hesitancy is a global problem, requiring hyper local response

Speed is of the essence

Our comprehensive diagnosis and prototyping approach lets us deploy our methodology for any location in the world.

  • As supply constraints ease, solving for vaccine hesitancy will be the key to achieve herd immunity and avoid future mutations of the virus.

  • The problem is global and has already started to plateau vaccination efforts in several vaccine rich countries sooner than desired.

  • However, reasons for this hesitancy are often rooted in local beliefs and individual characteristics. This will require understanding the hesitancies at a local level and developing targeted solutions.

What’s the Vaccine Hesitancy Lab?

Vaccine Hesitancy Lab enables hyper local response to building vaccine confidence at speed and then help scale it further. It is being co-developed by Dalberg + Quilt.AI.

  • Vision - Transition from vaccine hesitant to vaccine confident with speed and scale

  • Mandate - Operate as a collaborative, interdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder lab, focusing on to driving vaccine behavior change using data analysis, development, and implementation of culturally contextual and hyperlocal prototypes

  • Timelines -Active over the next 2-3 years across geographies, dynamically evolving with the pace of vaccine supply, emerging mutations, need for subsequent rounds of vaccines, changes in the guidelines on vaccinating children etc.

How does it work?

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1. Diagnose

METHODS: Collection of mixed-methods research data and developing a behaviour change framework for vaccine hesitancy

OUTPUTS: Prioritised target segments + hypothesis on how to shift vaccine hesitancy

  • Secondary research 

  • Digital ecosystem

  • Experts panel + Ecosystem

  • Human-centered design

  • Focused user surveys

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2. Solutioning

Prototypes, behavior experiment and testing for addressing vaccine hesitancy

  • Prototype development using latest internal and external learnings

  • Designing behavioral experiments

  • Prototype testing

3. Implementation

Refining, prioritising and detailing select prototypes into interventions to generate proof of concept

  • Developing intervention

  • Supporting implementation

  • Ongoing monitoring and learning

  • Building stakeholder engagement for scalability


Get in touch

Are you implementing vaccine roll-outs?

Are you supporting institutions to address vaccine hesitancy?

  • Our lab can plug into your existing efforts to refine vaccination communication and rollouts to optimise for hesitancy

  • Our digitally powered tools can hit the ground running and start creating detailed vaccine hesitancy maps within 2-4 weeks of deployment

  • Our consulting and design teams can work in-person or remotely to quickly transform diagnosis into digital and physical prototypes to incorporate into your rollouts

Why us?

We bring deep experience in client advisory, research, design thinking, rapid prototyping, big data analytics and monitoring.

  • End-to-end capabilities, from data gathering to solution prototypes

  • Rapid turnaround time (2 months vs 5-6 months using traditional research methods)

  • Global scale with strong local networks

  • Excellence in managing public discourse.