Prototype development process in Mon’s context

Low digital penetration in Mon district presents significant challenges in leveraging digital footprint for understanding vaccine hesitancy and testing prototypes. To overcome this, we identified a mixed methods approach. We started with a short sprint over a week, where we did some quick secondary research, looked at the limited internet engagements, and conducted a few in-depth remote Human-Centred Design (HCD) conversations with experts from the community. These included district administration, grassroots organisations, and members of the healthcare community. We synthesised this data to form our ingoing hypothesis, and identified four early persona user groups based on vaccine related behaviours - Conventional conformists, Misinformed misleads, Sensible skeptic, Blasé Believers.

We then applied these learnings to develop 9 low-fidelity prototypes tied to individual user personas, with each prototype solving for a specific set of behavioural barriers. As a next step, we started the testing process for these prototypes. As a part of this testing:

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We iterated the prototypes based on the insights and the ideation sessions, merging relevant components of prototypes together and eliminating less relevant components. Using this process We arrived at a shorter list of 5 prototypes with features and design details added. We will soon be receiving results from the in-person short and rapid survey for prototype testing.

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In parallel, we are in the process of conducting a large user survey with a sample of ~450 people in Mon. Given a recent uptake in Covid-19 cases in the region, and some restrictions on movement, we have decided to use telephonic calls for this survey. More on this in our next blog-post.


Human-centred deep-dive with our first super user